XXXII International Meeting Program

XXXII International Meeting Program
XXXII International Meeting Fiat 500
July, 3rd-4th-5th 2015
Guest Nation: Belgium
italia germania


Pre-registrations to the Meeting close on Thursday 2nd of July at mid-day

Friday July, 3rd 2015

09.00/13.00 -14.00/18.00 Registrations to the Meeting, at Borgata Nuova
11.00 Borgata Nuova – Inauguration of the Meeting and of the photographic exposition “500 Weddings: 58 years of love”
09.00/23.00 Parco Serre – Spare Part Market (*)
09.00/23.00 Parco Villafranca – gathering of the cars
14.30 Parco Villafranca – Departure for the tour to Loano
19.30 Parco Villafranca – Gastronomic Stand opening
21.00 Parco Villafranca – music entertainment with “Sbanda Barnowls”
22.00 Parco Villafranca – music entertainment with “Libero Arbitrio

targhetta xxxii
the plate reserved to participants of the XXXII International Meeting

Saturday July, 4th 2015

08.00 Parco Villafranca: Departure for the excursion/trekking
09.00/13.00-14.00/18.00 Registrations to the Meeting, at Borgata Nuova
09.00/16.00 Philatelic cancellation (Parco Villafranca)
9.00/23.00 Parco Villafranca – gathering of the cars
9.00/23.00 Parco Serre – Spare Part Market (*)
10.00/12.00 Talk Show
11.30 Parco Villafranca – Departure for the Grand Tour to Calizzano (menu ) and Tovo S.Giacomo – Tower Clock Museum “G.B. Bergallo”
12.30 Parco Villafranca – Gastronomic Stand opening
14.30 Parco Villafranca – Departure to the water park “Le Caravelle” in Ceriale
17.00 Parco Villafranca – Pesto classes and competition for children and adults
19.00 Parco Villafranca – Musical aperitif with “Bandacorta”
19.30 Parco Villafranca – Gastronomic Stand opening
21.30 Parco Villafranca – 6th edition of “Cinquecentisti Protagonisti” open stage for 500 enthusiasts, music entertainment
23.30 Parco Villafranca – Disco Dance

Sunday July, 5th 2015

08.00/10.00 Registrations to the Meeting, at Borgata Nuova
09.00/18.00 Parco Serre – Spare Part Market (*)
10.00 Parco Villafranca – awards ceremony and entertainment
10.00 live music with the Banda G. Verdi from Albenga
11.00 Parco Villafranca: music entertainment with thechoral Trallalero “Albenga Canta”
12.00 Parco Villafranca – arrival of the “500 miles in 500”
12.30 Parco Villafranca – Gastronomic Stand opening
17.00/18.00 Parco Villafranca – Entertainment
19.30 Parco Villafranca – Gastronomic Stand opening
21.30 Parco Villafranca – Dances with orchestra

XXXII Meeting Internazionale Fiat 500

logo 500 oro

Painting Contest “La 500 d’Oro” (Golden 500)
– Registration and stamping of canvases: Point of Reception in Borgata Nuova, Garlenda. Friday 9.00 / 18.00 and Saturday 9.00 / 11.00
– Deadline for delivery works Parco Villafranca : Saturday before 18.00

– Award Ceremony, Parco Villafranca : Sunday 11.00



During the meeting:
– The Multimedia Museum of the Fiat 500 “Dante Giacosa” will be open with free admission to the participants (9 am/6 pm).
– At Parco Villafranca, “TG Events” will transmit the meeting via-web

Cinquecentisti GOLFERS!
Thursday, July 2nd 10:30am/10:40am
Golfers friends: on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Golf Club Garlenda we reserved two departures at 10:30 and 10:40 Thursday, July 2nd, 2015 in Green Fees arrangement.
For reservations and information: mail to Samantha 0182 582282

The program is updated to May 19th, 2015

Click –>HERE to see the facilities granted to the Meeting
Click –> HERE to see the contact details for Bed & Breakfast

(*) The stand personnel can download the request to book a space in the Market -> HERE <-

Reservations for the Meeting at Fiat 500 Club Italia

Via Roma 90 17033 Garlenda (SV) tel 0182582282 email.
Reservations hotels-camping: Garlenda IAT tel. 0182582114 – Albenga Tourism Office tel. 01825685222

Fiat 500 Club Italia, Via Roma 90 17033 Garlenda (SV) tel 0182582282 – e-mail.
IAT Garlenda tel. 0182582114 – Ufficio Turismo Albenga tel. 01825685222