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  • #75206

    My name is Marcin(Martin), I`m from Poland, and I have a litle Fiat 500 110f from 1971.
    For 3 years I have been trying to get it back to condition in wich She was when she left the factory. I did lot of work but this(look at the list below) problems has stoped me and my knowlage about My Princes in this cases is very litle, so good pepole help me. 😉
    This 3 fings are my nightmare:
    1. Where I can find complete new trunk lock?? How it was attached to the body?? In my 500 there is a big hole for trunk lock from skoda octawia.(Last ovner of this car was from Slowakia, so he used parts from skoda to fix Fiat 500)
    2. Where I can buy a new windscreen with proof that it would came to my home in one piece?? I olso look for new trunk lid wich will fit to the body with no alteriations.
    3. Where I can buy a new caburator for 110F engine i good price?? In my car is a caburator from Fiat 126p(for 100%, I`ll regionise this caburator in evrywhere.)
    That is all for now, if I find other nigithmare in my car, I would ask about it.
    Sory for my english, I was trynig to don`t do mistakes. If My topic is not in good place, Modelator feel fee to move it.
    Thanks for help.


    Hello Martin and welcome between we! Sorry, but I do not understand what very well is the complete log and which optional you have used of the octawia of skoda. You have for case of the photos?


    I don`t have photos because at 12th of Febuary roof of my garage has colapsed and my car had been a bit destroyed, the whole front of 500 needs a touch of mechanic, but the front windscreen and trunk lid must be replaced, but let`s get to the poit.
    At the picture with I have attached You can see the situation in my car, the black rectangle shows the position of the hole for the lock from skoda. It was attached to the body by two screws for 10 key.( The lock have, special holes to attach it to the body at the surface which is shown at the picture)
    Now I`m lookinq for orginal part which should be at posiction of this mess. I have not any idea what should be there.
    If You could write me where I can buy the all parts of this mechanizm.(or Italian and English names of this parts)


    This is a lnk of a pieces retailer of reciprocation for the 5oo, watches if it finds what it can serve to you in order to put in order your car. You can posted the names in Italian of the replacement parts? Thanks. 🙂



    Ma noi italiani siamo sempre grandi ‘ ne aiutare il prossimo anche se sono di un altro mondo :cheer:
    Complimenti David 😉


    Grazie David ne ho approfittato pure io per dare uno sguardo. 🙂


    gi.ma ha scritto:

    Grazie David ne ho approfittato pure io per dare uno sguardo. 🙂

    B) Ci sono dei ottimi prezzi le ho confrontato con dei altri, sembrano una azienda molto onesta, ora servirebbe vedere la qualità dei prodotti. B)


    Hello again!
    I found at France Fiat 500 club website a catalogue with whole parts(service catalogue) to Fiat 500, so I think I could write Italian names.(Please forgive me if I write something wrong in Your language, I don`t speak it at all)
    So I`m looking for:(first is Fiat part number, then Italian name)
    985987 gancio Sicurezza
    4199230 dispositivo chiusura Compl.
    60087230 tubo
    993549 tampone gomma
    977405 Perno
    I hope that I didn`t written anything stupid. 😉
    I have one request could You write only in Eglish, I don`t speak Italian at all and google translator often lose the sense of Your message so I couldn`t understand You.


    :blink: :blink: hem…. chi capisce il sardo gli risponda 😉 😉


    :blink: ma è un sardo dialetto 😉 grande Calimero


    vedrai che fra poco chi conosce la lingua inglese ti risponderà senz’altro 😉 😉


    calimero ha scritto:

    vedrai che fra poco chi conosce la lingua inglese ti risponderà senz’altro 😉 😉

    non appena arriva il nostro super David risolve tutto 😉 B) Lui è internazionale.


    Marcinosik ha scritto:

    Hello again!
    I found at France Fiat 500 club website a catalogue with whole parts(service catalogue) to Fiat 500, so I think I could write Italian names.(Please forgive me if I write something wrong in Your language, I don`t speak it at all)
    So I`m looking for:(first is Fiat part number, then Italian name)
    985987 gancio Sicurezza
    4199230 dispositivo chiusura Compl.
    60087230 tubo
    993549 tampone gomma
    977405 Perno
    I hope that I didn`t written anything stupid. 😉
    I have one request could You write only in Eglish, I don`t speak Italian at all and google translator often lose the sense of Your message so I couldn`t understand You.

    Ecchime…. 🙂 Mo ce provo eh!

    Hello, not to worry to you, what you write agrees well! The French catalogue that you have found has of the prices a po’ beloveds, you have not found null of interesting on the link that I have to you posted? The Italian supplier sends anywhere and costs a po’ less!


    B) l’ho sapevo che David avrebbe risolto l’enigma 😉


    I have found a bonnet and windscreen in good price but whole mechanism of trunk lock isn`t available there, so I`m still looking for it.(except the one part)
    French have only the original Fiat service catalogue not the store.
    It is useful tool to find a word for search engine but in this case it was useless, because nothing I could find.
    That why I decided to ask in place where everybody have Fiat 500.

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