Fiat 500 F – 1965

Fiat 500 F – 1965

FIAT 500 F

Anno: 1965

Motore / Engine type 110F.000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Numero cilindri                                                                             2  vert. in linea post.
Numbers and arrangements of cylinders                                            2 on line
Cilindrata totale / Total piston displacement           cc.                        499,5
Potenza / HP                                                                   Cv/Hp                      18,2
Sistema accensione / Electrical system                                       Batteria / Battery
Tipo frizione / Clutch type                                  Monodisco a secco / Dry centre plate
Numero marce / Number of gears                                             4 + RM / 4 + reverse
Freno idraulico / Brakes                                 Sulle 4 ruote / Hydraulic on all 4 wheels
Freno meccanico / Handbrake                       Sulle ruote posteriori / On rear wheels
Velocità max / Maximum speed                    Km/h  /  Km per hour      95


Proprietario: Doglioli Tiziana
Auto esposta al Museo dal 13/7/2017
